Webmachine for Ruby

Julian Doherty


We like Rest


I'm gonna be that guy in a minute



Yes, but REST does more

Wrapping REST around MVC is a leaky abstraction


To get REST right, you need to get HTTP right

authentication; content type negotiation; caching; redirects; language; http verbs; status codes...

So let's build REST/HTTP apps shaped around HTTP

Doing HTTP properly is hard

Actually, doing HTTP "just ok" isn't too hard

But doing HTTP properly is HARD

So... do I return a 201 Created... Or a 409 Conflict... or 417 Expectation Failed?... What if the client accepts JSON but has a character set I don't know about?... What if I don't implement that method on that resource?... What if caching headers don't match?... What if the resource doesn't exist, but it's being updated?... Or what about...

Enter Webmachine

Original written in Erlang. Still going strong

Talking about Ruby port today

HTTP protocol is FSM

So let's just define functions to handle the decision points

resource_exists? service_available? is_authorized? forbidden? allow_missing_post? malformed_request? uri_too_long? known_content_type? valid_content_headers? valid_entity_length? options allowed_methods known_methods delete_resource delete_completed? post_is_create? create_path base_uri process_post content_types_provided content_types_accepted charsets_provided languages_provided language_chosen encodings_provided variances is_conflict? multiple_choices? previously_existed? moved_permanently? moved_temporarily? last_modified expires generate_etag finish_request handle_exception validate_content_checksum

Fill in the blanks. Webmachine takes care of playing nice with HTTP for you

Some code


When could you use Webmachine?

Why wouldn't you use it?


Julian Doherty




